Mary Tudor watches her elder brother become King of England and wonders what the future holds for her. Born into great privilege, Mary has beauty and intelligence beyond her years and is the most marriageable princess in Europe.
Henry plans to use her marriage to build a powerful alliance against his enemies. Will she dare risk his anger by marrying for love? This 'sequel' follows Mary's story from book three of the Tudor Trilogy and is set during the reign of King Henry VIII.

A true story of adventure, courtly love and chivalric loyalty sees the world of Tudor England unravel under the rule of a king determined to ensure the future of his dynasty, whatever the cost.
Charles Brandon is a Tudor knight, champion jouster, handsome and charismatic.
The nobles resent Brandon’s favours and friendship with King Henry VIII, and plot to bring him down. He risks everything by marrying the king’s beautiful young sister, Mary Tudor, widowed Queen of France.

Attractive, wealthy and influential, Katherine Willoughby is one of the most unusual ladies of the Tudor court. A favourite of Henry VIII, Katherine knows all his six wives, his daughters Mary and Elizabeth and his son Edward.
She marries Tudor knight, Sir Charles Brandon, and becomes Duchess of Suffolk at the age of fourteen. Her Spanish mother, Maria de Salinas, is Catherine of Aragon’s lady in waiting, so it is a challenging time for them all when King Henry marries the enigmatic Anne Boleyn.
The Brandon Trilogy continues the epic tale of the rise of the Tudors, which began with the best-selling Tudor trilogy and concludes with the reign of Queen Elizabeth Ist.